Systers Community

Fix the back button functionality in PowerUp Android.


  1. Create a GitHub Account.
  2. Install and Fork PowerUp Android.


  • Fetch the latest version of code from branch "GSoC17"
  • Create a function to take the user to the home screen.
  • Implement this function to handle the back button.
  • Check your code in each of the open issues cases here and here.
  • Create a PR with the work.


  • Ask any questions or directions in the #powerup on Systers Open Source Slack. Mention @sachin if you need any help with this task.

Work Submission:

Create a PR and label it "Program: GCI" then, include the PR link here.

Task tags

  • android
  • powerup
  • java

Students who completed this task

Sameer, Mu'aaz Kasker, Valentun, Vatsal Kulshreshtha, Siddharth Venu, Aryaman Agrawal, Boluwatife Tejumola

Task type

  • code Code