
Popular game apps among teenagers

Research which game apps currently are popular among teenagers. Differentiate between genders, age groups, country, genres, main topics, operating system, and any other dimensions you find interesting. Try as much as possible to find concrete numbers.

Make a report showing these numbers. Include a list of links to all entries of the apps in their app stores, as well as links to sources from which you got additional data (including from which year the data is). Put all of this in a shared Google doc (allowing comments for anyone with the link). Structure that document so that it is easily understandable.

The information has not to be complete in any way, but it needs to be true. I.e., it is more valuable for us to know what the situation regarding these games is in Lithuania among 13-14 year old city girls, than to have an overview over all Europe.

Task tags

  • smartphone
  • app
  • statistics
  • games
  • sociology

Students who completed this task

Siddharth Satish, Amelie Muller, Sarthak Agrawal, Ayush Kumar, Pranav Yadlapati, Kushal Sai Gunturi, Vrishab Srivatsa, Siddarth Poola, Abhinav Sharma, Steve Mathew, Rajat Harne, tanisha44, Pepogkegh Ngoran, madurti, Sriman Komaragiri, Amogh Sathe, Harsh Uttamchandani, Kevan Wee, Vinnie Jeyakumar, Paweł Lechocki, Aayush Panikkar, Yash Rathore, Rajaputra MadhuriVijetha

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research

