Showing 11 - 20 of 27 unique tasks
All organizations Apertium BRL-CAD CCExtractor Development Catrobat CloudCV Drupal FOSSASIA Haiku JBoss Community LibreHealth Liquid Galaxy project MetaBrainz Foundation MovingBlocks OSGeo OpenMRS OpenWISP Sugar Labs Sustainable Computing Research Group (SCoRe) Systers Community The Mifos Initiative Ubuntu Wikimedia XWiki Zulip coala
  • XWiki

    Fix 3 coding violations

    • sonar
    • java
    • code Code
    • done_all Quality Assurance
  • XWiki

    Fix any Jira issue listed on

    • code Code
    • web Design
    • done_all Quality Assurance
  • XWiki

    Find 10 false positives in coding violations

    • sonar
    • java
    • code Code
    • done_all Quality Assurance
  • XWiki

    Create a new test case for an XWiki feature / extension of your choice

    • done_all Quality Assurance
  • XWiki

    Add password toggle view while signing up on XWiki on app

    • Beginner
    • android
    • ui
    • code Code
    • web Design
  • XWiki

    Write a blog post about XWiki

    • Beginner
    • blog entry
    • blog post
    • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
    • assessment Outreach / Research
  • XWiki

    Update the XML document format of 10 committed wiki pages

    • xml
    • wiki
    • code Code
    • done_all Quality Assurance
  • XWiki

    Modify XWiki Java code and see the change in a running instance

    • Beginner
    • java
    • eclipse
    • code Code
  • XWiki

    Find and update 5 screenshots of XWiki features on that are not up to date with the latest version of XWiki

    • Beginner
    • consistency
    • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • XWiki

    XWikiDocument toXML lists attachments in an inconsistent order

    • java
    • code Code
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