
ScriptMimeMessage#addPart should support BodyPart

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The API ScriptMimeMessage#addPart should allow getting a BodyPart directly in input (which essentially means not touching it).

Expected Outcome

<describe very precisely the success criteria for the task so that the student knows what to achieve and so that any mentor can easily validate the task>
  • The student must commit the changes and create a pull request on https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform The summary of the Pull Request must have a first line matching the JIRA issue following by a colon and then the title of this issue Add a comment in the jira issue mentioning your pull request and provide a link to it


Getting help

If you have any question you should use the Chat (faster answer, but when there is someone around) or the Forum (more people available, but slower answer).

Task tags

  • java

Students who completed this task

Akshit Dewan

Task type

  • code Code