
In User Profile, use term 'About' instead of 'Comment' for the free text field

XWIKI-7626 introduced the ability to customize the user profile fields also making the display of fields automatic instead of manual.

In https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/commit/6801750111af50813a2dbf45135f571a342c03a8


has been changed with




That's why and how the old (more descriptive) 'About' term has been replaced with 'Comment' term which is confusing and overlaps with our 'Comments/Annotations' terminology.

We need to change it back and we can do so by fixing the pretty name (English translation value) of the "comment" users class property.


Update the existing translation with new value.


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Try to reproduce the issue described by the task. You should use your browser's Developer Tools to identify and test your solution.

Once you have reproduced the issue presented in the task, it's the time to identify the location where it needs to be fixed in the code. You should be familiar with using Git locally.

The task will give you hints about the component where the code with the problem is located. Identify the file, make the changes and submit a Pull Request for mentors to approve and close the task. Don't forget to add screenshots with before and after your changes.


  • Knowledge of HTML, XML, basic programming, Git
  • You will encounter concepts like Templating engines, Apache Velocity, Localization module etc. but you don't need to be familiar with them in advance

Expected Outcome

Task tags

  • translations

Students who completed this task

Srijan Jha

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design

