SUSI.AI (Advanced): Create an asciinema and Show How to Set Up SUSI Server
Create an asciinema of the SUSI Server setup and share it publicly. Asciinema is a free and open source solution for recording terminal sessions and sharing them on the web. This is like a video but rather of terminal sessions teaching users exactly how to perform a setup or solve a problem.
- Join the SUSI Server Gitter channel
- Read the documentation about setting up SUSI Server
- Improve the documentation in the repository, where necessary
- Check out and learn how to use it
- Create an asciinema of the installation of SUSI Server
- Share the outcome on different social media channels
- Tweet, e.g. post a tweet "My asciinema terminal session to learn how to install #SUSIAI: @fossasia @mariobehling @susiai_ @asciinema @0rb1t3r"
- Add a screenshot of your session when you share it
- Submit the video on the SUSI server gitter channel
- asciinema on YouTube
- Shared on Twitter and Facebook and SUSI Server channel
- Improved documentation in repository if necessary
- Asciinema -
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Students who completed this task
Yash Kumar Verma, Saarthak Chaturvedi, Anastasiia Kostiv, Naveen Rajan, Supun_TE, Atiab Jobayer, Samyak Jain, Abishek V Ashok, Aditya Dutt, Arjun Pandey