GCompris: explore_world_animals

Add a new level (maybe more if needed) to have more animals in the activity. Image(s) have to be in a license usable by GCompris. First fork and clone the repository https://github.com/gcompris/GCompris-qt. The activity source code is in src/activities/explore_world_animals/ You need to update ExploreWorldAnimals.qml to add one level and in resource/board folder, copy/paste board1.qml to board2.qml and update the file to have your new level. Put the images in resource/animals folder. To compile gcompris, you can follow http://gcompris.net/wiki/Qt_Quick_development_process#Compilation_prerequisites or connect to #gcompris in https://webchat.freenode.net/ (or any other irc client) and ping us.

Task tags

  • javascript

Students who completed this task

Sergey Popov, Ilya Bizyaev

Task type

  • code Code