Port KNewStuff connects to new syntax
Qt5 introduced a new syntax for connecting signals and slots where instead of using fancy macros, it uses method pointers. This is useful because it allows to make sure at compilation time that the connect is correct. https://wiki.qt.io/New_Signal_Slot_Syntax
For this task, you'll have to change KDE's KNewStuff framework from the old syntax to the new one. For example: You'll change:
q->connect(engine, SIGNAL(signalProvidersLoaded()), q, SLOT(slotProvidersLoaded()));
q->connect(engine, &KNSCore::Engine::signalProvidersLoaded, q, &DownloadManager::slotProvidersLoaded);
The outcome of this task should be a patch on reviewboard.kde.org. Before submitting make sure that the software still compiles and that the tests still pass.
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Students who completed this task
Sergey Popov