Show wheelchair access info in Marble Maps on Android

Welcome to Marble, a virtual globe and world atlas that runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android. Find your way and explore the world! :-)

Please complete the task "Setup a Marble dev environment for Android" as a prerequisite to this task.

Marble Maps on Android provides information about places when tapping on them. They show up in a dialog on the bottom of the screen. This task is about extending that information to show the information for wheelchair access at the bottom of the dialog:


Tip: Enter "ok marble" into the search field and press Enter. In the dialog at the bottom check "OSM Tags". Next tap on places and watch the osm tags.

Please use src/apps/marble-maps/material-icons/ic_accessible_black_48px.svg at the start of the line. Evaluate wheelchair=yes/limited/no plus the description. Display this information in the best possible way. See task 4702 for detailed instructions. When you are done, attach a link to the review request you created to complete the task.

If you are running into problems that you cannot solve on your own, please contact your mentors:

  • Using live chat via the #marble IRC channel in Freenode (Dennis Nienhüser is called Earthwings and Torsten Rahn is tackat). Note that we have to sleep and work sometimes, so might not respond immediately. We'll read your messages later though.
  • By mail using nienhueser@kde.org and rahn@kde.org

See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:capacity as well.

Task tags

  • openstreetmap
  • marble
  • qt

Students who completed this task

Sergey Popov

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design