Open Event Web App: Add secret keys to your deployed Open Event Web App on heroku
Learning how to handle secret information in open source projects is very important. The objective of this task is to understand how to properly add secret keys to your deployed Open Event Web app on Heroku and use them in the project.
- Fork the Open Event Web App.
- Deploy your forked open event web app on Heroku using Heroku CLI from your local machine and add secret keys to your deployed application.
- Please add a screenshot from your task to social media and tweet about it @fossasia
- Your task is completed when you post a link to your deployed app on Heroku which uses a secret key added by you. The secret key can be anything. eg - your Amazon S3 account keys. Remember that when you adding S3 keys, you also have to create a new bucket in your S3 account and change the default specified bucket in mailer.js to that bucket. You could also add sendgrid api keys.
- Tweeted and posted on social media about task
- Open Event Web App:
- Heroku CLI (Command Line Interface):
- Adding secret keys:
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Sanchit Mishra, Mostafa Elgayar, Nguyen Chanh Dai, Oana Rosca, Đào Tính, hoangvanthien, Adarsh Kumar, Oscar Wong, Gaeun Kim