FOSSASIA: Do a mini-project of our "labs" - Create an app, Solve a project request, Add a super feature, Improve design, Add test frameworks
FOSSASIA has a lot of projects. We do not have tasks for each single project in code-in, but there are a lot of new mini-projects listed in our labs tracker.
Please join the FOSSASIA team and do a mini-project of your choice on our labs repository or another FOSSASIA repository on GitHub. Contributions should be substantial.
- Follow FOSSASIA Best Practices:
- Fork projects to your own repository
- Outline your improvements and ideas in an issue first before you start.
- Add links to resources, screenshots and anything else that might be relevant.
- Make the code changes in your branch on your repository and initiate a pull request
- Tweet about your task on Twitter, Weibo or other tweet like channel, something like "Solved an issue in [project name] at #FOSSASIA #GCI @fossasia @hpdang @mariobehling"
- Post about your task on Facebook or other social media. Your post should include link to the project and to the FOSSASIA website at
- Star the repository you are working on to indicate your participation
- Accepted pull request in any FOSSASIA repository with substantial improvements (Note: A simple typo fix and small one liner change is not sufficient to fulfill this task.).
- Please provide a link to a working example of the project
- Make a screenshot of the site tweeted and posted on Facebook or other social media
- Starred repository
- FOSSASIA on Github
- Mini Projects on the Labs Issue tracker
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Sanchit Mishra, Mostafa Elgayar, Miguel Piedrafita, Ankit R Gadiya, Adarsh Kumar, Abishek V Ashok, Gaeun Kim, Aditya Giri, Alejandro Heredia, lakshaykalbhor