IRC/GooeyJr: Port GitHub & role scripts from the legacy Gooey
Gooey is a friendly IRC bot for the #terasology channel on freenode. The bot is written in Coffeescript and is a Hubot. To further improve on Gooey we've recently restarted a new GooeyJr bot at the latest version of Hubot, which we're currently bringing up to the level of the old Gooey and extending with new features.
Your task is to port some scripts from the "legacy" Gooey - namely, the script that allows interaction with GitHub for administrators and hubot-auth
's that handles role management (the latter should be moved to our GitHub repository so that we can further enhance it and eventually create our own role system). should be thoroughly tested (in your own repositories) to ensure that it still works and can successfully create repositories / add users to teams.
Definition of 'Done'
- A pull request is submitted to GooeyJr's GitHub repository containing the two script files as described above.
Where to start?
- This is a relatively nontrivial task - if you'd like to get familiar with Gooey before completing it, check out the easier Set up a workspace for GooeyJr and enable a new silly script task!
- A guide to Hubot scripting (that also applies to GooeyJr) can be found at