
Create a fruit tree for SimpleFarming and add documentation on how to use one


Terasology's SimpleFarming module adds a plant growth system to Terasology - plants can be grown using seed items and harvested when they become ripe. Your task is to add a multi-block fruit tree to SimpleFarming - this is naturally more complicated than a single-block bush or plant.

While regular trees are part of world generation in this case you'll be dealing with a tree started from seed. If at all possible only a single entity should be used to control the tree and its growth, which would involve first growing the tree from sapling to full tree with a multi-block canopy, then occasionally turn any one leaf block into a fruit-bearing variant that can be harvested just like a bush.

Definition of 'Done'

  • A pull request is submitted to SimpleFarming containing a fruit tree and improved documentation mentioning fruit trees. The PR should contain files for all the stages mentioned above (seed, ripe, fruit).

Where to start?

  • Check out the trees from Throughout the Ages - they grow, although the code is old and broken in places at this point. The relevant code is probably in the GrowingFlora module but you likely do not want to add a module dependency, just draw inspiration for how multi-block growth could work. Start with a sapling plant then turn into one trunk block with a leaf block, etc
  • Check out how the engine handles breaking a block under a billboard plant, which then also breaks the plant

Task tags

  • tree
  • plant
  • farming
  • multiblock
  • fruit

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Task type

  • code Code