Add multiple new recipes and/or world discoverable ingredients to the new NeoTTA gameplay template, primarily EquipmentSmithing
To cap off the "add an item or recipe" series we now have a whole world with all the GCI heavy content modules active! Equipment, Cooking, Potions, and SimpleFarming.
This tasks will be the first one for the new EquipmentSmithing module which finally allows the crafting of equipment pieces just like the ones added in prior tasks. And in fact the goal here is to now finally add a recipe to craft some of those existing pieces of equipment :-)
At a minimum grab the Smithing, Equipment, and EquipmentSmithing modules (all 3) then add three or more new recipes to craft items previously uncraftable. For Smithing you'll need:
- give PortableForgingStation
- give CopperForgeHammer
- give Smithing:coal
Plus assorted ingredients as needed for the items. If you run with the full NeoTTA gameplay template and world (fetch the NeoTTA module) you'll be able to find some ingredients right in the world, including food plants, herbs and ore that should be smeltable.
Still you may want "give BronzeBar" or other material bars and so on for ease, but make this your world! Try to seed new minerals or plants/crops in the world (either editing the world directly or building a small worldgen plugin) then make recipes for other things than just Smithing. See how JoshariasSurvival "plants" berry bushes into its world. The NeoTTA world is in WoodCrafting.
Submit screenshots and PRs to any relevant repositories. Aim for 3-5 new "things" including newly placed world objects with at least one smithing recipe.