Add decover effect to AlterationEffects module
Terasology has an AlterationEffects module that implements a basic set of status effects (buffs and debuffs) that can alter a player's base state in some fashion. These include health regeneration, mobility increases, damage reduction, poison status, etc.
Your task is to add a decover effect to this module. What this effect does is prevent any healing from working on the target entity. This includes healing from items and other effects.
Hint: Cancel or consume the BeforeHealEvent to cancel out healing entirely.
Definition of 'Done'
- A pull request is submitted to the AlterationEffects module containing the decover effect. Feel free to add your GitHub nickname to the list of authors in the module.txt file.
Where to start?
- Download a copy of the AlterationEffects module using
gradlew fetchModuleAlterationEffects
, create a new branch, and start from there. - Check out the other alteration effects. In particular, pay attention to how and are designed.
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