Improve vertical alignment in Terasology's splash site
Terasology's splash site ( is a GitHub Pages-hosted website containing links to the game itself along with gameplay videos, contributor guides and so forth. The website's design could be improved with the following changes:
- The "social buttons" are glued to the bottom - otherwise they are located in different spots depending on the number of buttons in the active page.
- The central buttons are placed in the center of the screen.
- Terasology's logo sticks to the top.
Definition of 'Done'
- A pull request is submitted to the website's repository containing the changes described above.
Where to start?
- This task assumes some proficiency in basic HTML/CSS, though you can use the various learning resources out there (FreeCodeCamp, Khan Academy etc.) to teach yourself these on the fly!
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Gregor Karetka