
Add a new cooking utensil to the Cooking module

Terasology has a Cooking module that implements a basic cooking system through the usage of CookingStations. It also adds new food items as well as recipes for producing the food. The food can be consumed to fill up the hunger and thirst meters implemented in the Hunger and Thirst modules.

Your task is to implement one new cooking utensil item that's currently not present in the module. In order to do this, you'll need to create a prefab and supply a texture for the icon. It can a knife, a spoon, a spork, a stirring rod and a tray, among other things - lots of room for creativity here!

Definition of 'Done'

  • A pull request is submitted to the Cooking module containing the new food item. Feel free to add your GitHub nickname to the list of authors in the module.txt file!

Suggested next task: Add a recipe to the Cooking module, Add a new potion to the Potions module.

Where to start?

  • Download a copy of the Cooking module using gradlew fetchModuleCooking, create a new branch, and start from there! Check out the Mortar and Pestle tool or this for examples on how to create a tool.

Important Note: Make sure that either you've created the textures for the new items, or the source you retrieved them from is compatible with the Apache 2.0 license. Regardless, make sure to cite the resources you've used in the README file. Also, please aim to make your icons below 128x128 in resolution. Also check existing PRs and repo if it has already been created.

Task tags

  • content
  • games
  • design
  • java
  • modding

Students who completed this task

Jay Gupta, J Young Kim, Benjamin Amos, Vaibhav Bajaj, TehTotalPwnage, Ege Caglar, Patrick Wang, Gregor Karetka, Harry Wang, Loan Ventura, Zehata, PokeyOne, Rufus Behr, Jakub Budrewicz, Scott Moses Sunarto, Dhananjay Garg, Quinn Roberts, Kallen Tu, D Shenandoah, Mandar Juvekar, Andry, Ian Santin, priyansh patni, Arpit Kamboj, Mohammad Darvish

Task type

  • code Code