
Enhance death screen information

Terasology features a death screen that shows up when a player is killed - however, it's currently as simple as a red overlay and buttons that allow the user to respawn or exit the game. Your task is to enhance this screen with additional death-related information - what exactly killed the player? Falling damage? Hunger? A malicious NPC? The information should be received from DeathEvent - this is currently a placeholder but should be modified to include death-related fields filled in by systems that trigger the events.

Definition of 'Done'

A pull request is submitted to the main Terasology repository implementing the feature described above.

Where to start?

  • As mentioned above, the classes you'll need to modify are DeathEvent as well as DeathScreen and any systems that emit DeathEvents.

Task tags

  • content
  • games
  • java
  • modding

Students who completed this task

Vaibhav Bajaj

Task type

  • code Code