Mifos Initiative

Write a Technology Ecosystem and Regulatory Landscape Market Research Brief for the Philippines

We are a partner-driven community. Local technology partners are the primary channel to market. We need to understand the technology ecosystem and regulatory landscape to help them succeed.

See https://goo.gl/ZUQpvQ for an overview of required deliverables.

Regulatory Landscape

  • Any recent major legislation for? (Please link to and summarize legislation and its intended impact)
    • Financial Inclusion
    • Electronic Money
    • FinTech
  • Are there any government support programs for FIs?
  • For financial inclusion providers and banks in general, does financial data in core banking system need to be hosted in country?

Tech Ecosystem

Competitive Landscape

  • What systems are currently being used? (list out all system and major details - location, # of customers, date last version released, summary of their value proposition, etc.)
  • What is cost of system?

Partner Ecosystem

  • Are there mid-sized systems integrators that would want to deploy our software?
  • Where do we find them? Are there directories of providers?
  • What are the major tech hubs/accelerators/social businesses we can partner with? (Please include details about their location, types of businesses they promote, if they have a specific focus on FinTech)

Open Source Ecosystem

  • Where are the major hubs of activity in country?
  • Who do we promote our software to?
  • Where do we find skilled Java engineers, Mobile Developers?
  • Are their local meetups or linux or android user groups (provide contact info and links to their respective sites)

Task tags

  • market research
  • philippines
  • fintech
  • due diligence
  • competitive analysis

Students who completed this task

Sawan Kumar

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research