MetaBrainz Foundation

Create a doc explaining "How to Report an Issue"

We currently have no instructions for this.

Write a "how to" explaining the process of creating a Jira ticket, following advice from the GCI Wiki Editing.

You should look at other "how to" docs to get a sense of what is expected in terms of length, tone and scope.

This doc should explain the what/where/when/how of creating a ticket.


You should already be familiar with the following (or be ready to "learn on the job"):

  • The various channels of communication used in the MetaBrainz projects
  • How/what to write when reporting a bug/issue
  • Using an issue tracker
  • Wikimedia editing

Task tags

  • wiki
  • jira
  • metabrainz
  • no code
  • documentation

Students who completed this task

Daniel Theis

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training