Run code through Valgrind and fix one memory leak


Valgrind is a tool which, among other things, helps detect memory leaks in code bases. Your task is to run the code bases of either one of BRL-CAD, LibreCAD, or OpenSCAD through Valgrind, and detect and fix one memory leak.

This task requires that you build from source the application you will be auditing. If you don't already know how to do that, check out one of the related tasks first:

If you need any help, be sure to join our IRC channel (#brlcad on

Getting Started


  • When compiling the application, make sure to enable debugging, in order for the Valgrind output to be usable. This is enabled by default for BRL-CAD.

Task tags

  • valgrind
  • c/c++
  • memory leak

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance