Learn basic 3D modeling using BRL-CAD, part #1 of 2
While this is a beginner task, it assumes you've already successfully installed BRL-CAD (which is another beginner task you can claim).
Once you have BRL-CAD successfully installed, the goal of this task is to start working through the MGED tutorial series which teaches basic concepts of 3D modeling. See the "Introduction to MGED" here:
Some of the other docs, like our command quick reference card, may come in handy too.
Beware: some people take classes for a year or more to properly learn CAD. These tutorials barely scratch the surface.
Do the first 8 tutorials. At the end of each, draw your work at "ae 45 45" and save a PNG image by running "rt -o lessonXX.png" in the command window, where XX is the current lesson number (e.g., rt -o lesson04.png) or simply take a screenshot. Submit your 8 images. Ask questions if you get stuck.
SUBMIT all 8 images to show you worked through the lessons.