Compile BRL-CAD with the latest LLVM/Clang compiler, report

This task is to compile the latest BRL-CAD sources (from a repository checkout) using the latest LLVM/Clang compiler.

Compiling on different operating systems, hardware, and compilers regularly can help improve long-term maintainability. BRL-CAD is regularly built with LLVM and a number of other compilers, but we don't get to test the very latest very often.

You'll need to download BRL-CAD from an SVN checkout, download the compiler, and download + run CMake. Compile BRL-CAD using that compiler and keep notes of everything you do along the way. Record all the steps you take and report back any failures or success. We will create follow-on tasks if you make any fixes that get the build working.

You will probably want to use these flags when you run CMake:



SUBMIT a complete build log and your notes documenting everything you did.

Task tags

  • compiling
  • llvm
  • clang
  • portability

Students who completed this task

AntonL, delusion707, Michal Hanus, Annie, The 2nd Euler

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research