World Distance Calculator
Calculate distance between any two places on earth
(1) Objective
Write a simple program which computes distance between two places on earth. (This task also serves as a gentle introduction to a geometry with curvature.)
(2) Requirements
Write a program which does the following:
1) when user inputs location(GPS coordinates) of two cities
2) the program returns a. distance between them and b. the "time-difference" between sunrises (how much later does the sun rise in the second city?)
3) State all your assumption, and justify your formula in comments.
4) We want this to work with both far-away and near-by cities. Test using locations of Google headquarter, and cities of previous FOSSASIA annual conferences.(Please add this test as a small part of the code, or add the result as a separate text)
5) The result must have appropriate units. (km, mile, hour, minute, degree, radian, if any)
(3) Expected outcome
- Write a program which computes distance and "time difference" between 2 cities
- Host your code on Github and provide the link here
- Add a) a screenshot, b) a link to your repository and c) a link the web project (it is is a a web technology you chose) on the geolocation project area of the GCI page on