KDE Connect Android: Scan receivied files with the MediaScanner
For this task you will need to have KDE Connect running on an Android phone and on a Plasma 5 desktop. You can grab both sources from here:
- Android: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/network/kdeconnect-android/repository
- KDE Plasma: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/network/kdeconnect-kde/repository
To build the Android project you can use Android Studio or Gradle, while for the desktop side I recommend KDevelop or just CMake.
Once you have both apps running, you will be able to connect both devices and start using KDE Connect.
One of the features of KDE Connect is to send and receive files without wires. Right now, when a new file is received in Android, we don't notify the system for it to index the new file. In this task we want to use the MediaScanner scanFile() method to notify the system we received a file that should be indexed. This should be implemented in the SharePlugin when a new file is successfully received.
To complete this task you should:
- Attach a screenshot of the new setting.
- Attach a .patch file with the code changes, or submit it through review board.