KDevelop: Bug triaging: Check whether C++ support issues are still valid
History: KDevelop switched from a home-written C++/C language parser to the Clang-backend. KDevelop 5 (current development version, based on KDE frameworks, unreleased) is now based on Clang, KDevelop 4 still uses the custom parser.
Lots of issues have been reported against the old custom parser; it failing to parse C++ code. Bug reports: https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Language%20Support%3A%20CPP&list_id=1324775&product=kdevelop&query_format=advanced
This task would be to confirm, for each bug entry, whether the bug is still valid for KDevelop 5. This means trying to reproduce the "steps to reproduce" in the bug report; if the bug is no longer visible, comment on it saying that it is no longer valid so we can close.
Requires you to compile the KDevelop 5 version on your machine: https://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Building
Note: The bug list is huge, so let's divide this into multiple instances. Handling 20 bugs per instance is already fine.
Contact (IRC): kfunk @ #kdevelop/Freenode