
Build the weather app and run all testsuites

Weather shows current and upcoming conditions in multiple locations. It is written in QML and C++ using the Ubuntu SDK.

Your task is to build the app and successfully run it and it's testsuites on your desktop. Be sure to follow the README's in the source code for help.

Find out more informationm including where to find the source, here: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/community/core-apps/weather/

For help on running the tests, see https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/autopilot/python/1.5.0/guides-running_ap/



These following should be present in the documentation:

  1. Summary of the steps you did to build the app ?
  2. Which release of Ubuntu used ?
  3. Did you run any extra scripts ?
  4. What was difficult about the process?
  5. Did you face any problem ?
  6. What changes should be done to make the application easier? (any suggestions)
  7. Attach some screen-shots in that document file .

Task tags

  • coreapps
  • weather
  • qml

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

