
Expand the README's for calendar

Currently the calendar app has information on how to get started developing the application. It's useful for new contributors to easily be able to build the project, run the tests, and do translations.

Your task is to add README files, and expand the current readme's to make it easier for new contributors.

For a model of readme's to follow, see the clock app (bzr branch lp:ubuntu-clock-app). Notice how there is a readme for testing, installing, developing, translations, etc. Document how to do each of those tasks for the app inside a README.

Please try to use the markdown format for the readmes as seen in the weather merge proposal https://code.launchpad.net/~emailgirishrawat/ubuntu-weather-app/markdown-readmes/+merge/280787

Once your work is complete, please submit a merge proposal to the app. See the student guide below for more information on working with launchpad, including submitting the proposal.

Task tags

  • readme
  • coreapps
  • calendar

Students who completed this task

Girish Rawat

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training