
Implement an app log viewer

This task is for the Dekko email client

You are to implement an in application log viewer that developers can use to view the output of all the loggers while the application is running.

You are free to be as creative as you like on how it looks and what it can do! There are just a few requirements that must be implemented as a minimum for this task to be complete

  • Show live output of all logs found under ~/.cache/dekko.dekkoproject/logs/*
  • Provide and a way to switch between all logs. They shouldn't be merged into a single output stream.
  • The logging view should be enabled/disabled from the developer settings section and should never be easily accessible by a normal user but should be easily accessible for the developer when it is enabled.

This issue is being tracked here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dekko/+bug/1522549. Be sure to have a read of the projects README file to get your development environment setup.

Task tags

  • dekko
  • qml
  • c++
  • email

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code